Monday, September 26, 2011

FamilyFun Activities

It can be challenging to come up with activities, crafts or games that children find exciting, so why not ask the experts for some help?

When searching for out-of-the-box craft ideas or fun games, we often turn to the internet. One of our favorite sources is the FamilyFun website. FamilyFun is a monthly magazine published by Disney that's devoted to providing parents and caregivers with fun activities, crafts, and recipes to do with kids.

Doing a theme on frogs? Learn how to make origami frog jumpers and have a race across the table or play leap-frog with the kids. Reading about superheros? Have each kid fill out their Superhero Identity Card and imagine what super powers they would have. For a deep sea theme, you could combine the snack and activity by making a Banana Octopus. If you're looking to encourage teamwork, here's a game with hula hoops that makes everyone work together but requires very few supplies. We did a successful teamwork theme with the summer reading sites at the end of the summer, but you can try it at any time of the year.

To find an idea, enter a theme in the search field in the top right corner of the FamilyFun website and click "search." You can use the filter tool to view results by a specific category, such as games or recipes, to help narrow down the choices. There's a whole section on seasonal ideas, so if your theme is holiday- or season-related, you'll find all sorts of ideas there!

Do you have other sources for great activity or craft ideas? Share them with us in the comments below!

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