Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Report Feature: Flight Read-Aloud

The kids at SOME's Independence Place were thrilled when they found out they were hopping a "flight" to attend The Reading Connection Read-Aloud on a recent week. 

Each kid and adult got their very own boarding pass (found here or here) for the flight and lined up to be checked in (name tag and all)! This made the traditional set-up process of getting a name tag and taking attendance more fun for the kids. Each kid stated their name, then got a name tag and a "beep" as we pretended to scan each boarding pass. After check-in, each kid got settled into their own carpet mat "seat" and secured their imaginary seat belts before take off.  

Volunteers discussed where the kids wanted to fly and the kids enjoyed discussing the times they have seen or flown in airplanes.  

We read books about a variety of flying objects including Take Off! by Ryan Ann Hunter and Walter the Farting Dog by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray.  

After reading, the kids decorated wooden airplanes and butterflies before landing and disembarking to get a Read-Aloud giveaway book.  

Overall, a trip worth taking!

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