Monday, February 27, 2012

TRC's 2012 Literacy Honoree: Jarrett Krosoczka

It’s a bird! It’s a plane!  It’s…the lunch lady?!  Serving sloppy joe’s one minute and justice the next, the protagonist of Jarrett J. Krosoczka’s Lunch Lady graphic novels takes down a league of librarians, a cyborg substitute, and many other middle school villains.  

The mastermind behind these action-packed, nationally adored, and deliciously witty novels is Jarrett J. Krosoczka. With the success of his Lunch Lady series and many of his picture books, Krosoczka is not only a talented writer and illustrator, he is one of today’s most popular children’s authors. It is no surprise that he was selected as the Literacy Honoree at The Reading Connection’s 2012 Of Wine & Words fundraiser. As the 2012 Literacy Honoree, Krosoczka will be giving a keynote speech and signing books at Of Wine & Words on March 9, 2012, as well as speaking with guests at the exclusive VIP reception.

Of Wine and Words will be held on March 9, 2012 at 7 P.M. at the Boeing Conference Center in Rosslyn, VA. The VIP reception will begin at 6:30 P.M. The night will include an appearance by our first ever Chef Chair -- executive pastry chef at Lyon Hall, Rob Valencia. Guests will enjoy an impressive wine and beer tasting, a selection of gourmet food from the area’s top restaurants and a silent auction. Tickets can be purchased here.

Krosoczka may be a best-selling author with two books currently being made into motion pictures, (the Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute and Punk Farm) but those aren’t the only reasons we chose him as our 2012 Literacy Honoree. Like us here at The Reading Connection, Krosoczka has a deep love for reading, illustration and children. To honor these passions, as well as the grandparents who raised him, Krosoczka established the Memorial YouthScholarships at Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, MA, where he himself took art classes as a child. To find out more about Jarrett, visit his website or check out his blog

Before the main event, Krosoczka will be reading with the kids at the Woodbury Park Read-Aloud program as a special treat. We are excited and honored to have him at this year’s Of Wine & Words and hope to see you all there! 

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